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Thursday, January 8, 2015

November 7, 2014: UJO Congratulates Chief Leonard for being Appointed to Chief of Department

This week's column (in the item on the bottom of page 24 and continued on page 70,) also congratulated Chief James Leonard, formerly FDNY chief in Brooklyn, for being promoted as Chief of the Department. The UJO and other community leaders attended his swearing-in ceremony. Accompanying photos show Rabbi Niederman with the Chief at the ceremony; and the retiring Chief Kilduff with Yanky Itzkowitz and Simcha Bernath, of Shomrim Williamsburg and Borough Park, and Bernard Gipps of Hatzalah.

"We are very happy to see Chief Leonard rising to become the Chief of Department. It's a very fitting appointment, and he's suited to work with Commissioner Nigro, whom with got to know up-close when he was in Williamsburg before the summer. We wish them success to continue enhancing the safety of the entire city and rescue lives," said Rabbi David Niederman.