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Thursday, January 15, 2015

November 21, 2014: Councilman Levin Encourages Parents in Need for Child Care to Call 311

The November 21 Column reported on a conference call that Councilman Levin had  with twenty School Administrators and the UJO, where he asked them to get out the message that parents in need for Child Care can call 311 and ask for a form to be added to the Child Care waiting list.

The Councilman is working to ensure that parents who are eligible for especially-funded vouchers are aware of it, and that all eligible children receive the voucher.

The article report of the progress in distributing the 3,500 vouchers, and provided a phone number and email where parents - with children on the waiting list who have reason to believe that they may have missed the notice that they are eligible for the new vouchers - should contact to check the status and updated their mailing address.
"The Williamsburg Community is especially privileged to be represented by our dedicated Councilman Steve Levin," said Rabbi David Niederman, UJO Executive Director. "Not only did he spearhead the effort to add to this important program, critical to thousands of children, and he secured a couple of thousands additional vouchers - for the first time in many years - but he doesn't rest, but is working to ensure that the funding is rightly allocated, and that it reaches parents and children who are entitled to it. We are tremendously thankful to him for this dedicated, unparalleled work."