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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hundred Participate in UJO's Ways to Success Event

Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid's February 21, 2020 edition

Hundreds of participants in UJO's Ways to Success Event left with important information and guidance in how to be successful in their new careers.
Rabbi David Niederman, UJO executive director and president, spoke about how all need to make the appropriate efforts to succeed, even as we have faith that Hashem ultimately provides us with our needs. Avi Greenstein, CEO of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, said, "People should not feel like they have been dropped off the cliff when they start a new job. They should know that even as they start working, they are still eligible to continue to receive government assistance while they are beginning in the workforce at a starting wage." Avi also stressed the importance of safeguarding credit scores. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Desser, the founder of the POEL group which has placed a large number of individuals in rewarding careers, spoke about how to look for a job and what employers are looking for in an employee. Eliezer Krauss also addressed those in attendance and discussed the pros and cons of starting a home business as opposed to working for someone else. Zacharia Waxler, CPA from Roth & Co gave an overview on business basics. 

Brooklyn, NY – On Thursday, January 23, Williamsburg UJO held a very successful Ways to Success career event. The evening, hosted by UJO, was attended by hundreds of interested participants. Attendees absorbed the informative speakers' guidance aimed at helping them make the right choices in order to successfully join the workforce or advance careers. The Hebrew Free Loan Society was also on hand to offer individuals free loans to launch their small business initiatives.