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Monday, February 18, 2019

Impressive Participation at UJO 60 and Older Seminar  

Participants listened with interest to the very informative lectures presented by experts in their field including Reb Hershel Loebenberg who spoke on social security. Eric Hausman, Department of Aging, presented on healthcare decisions. Lawyer Michael Long spoke about financial factors seniors should keep in mind. 

Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid’s February 15, 2019 edition

Brooklyn, NY –More than 150 Williamsburg residents at or near retirement age participated on Sunday, February 10 in the Sixty and Older Seminar arranged by the United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn. The hall was already packed by the time the seminar was ready to begin, and UJO had to add many more rows of chairs because of the overflow crowd.

Participants were deeply interested in learning how to make the right decisions for their future. During the seminar, experts in their fields presented on how to make the most educated choices when it comes to making important retirement decisions. The UJO distributed 60 and Older, a twenty-page pamphlet that reviews much of the basic information given over during the seminar.  Hands-on worksheets were also utilized during the seminar. The worksheets were displayed on two large presentation screens as well so all could follow and take part in the presentation.  

The workshop was followed by a lively question and answer session. Many participants also chose to stay well after the seminar was officially over to have their questions answered. This helped many to digest the huge amount of very important information that was given over and will help attendees choose the right plans and take the right steps towards gaining the most from their retirement.

Presentations included topics such as social security subjects like the ideal age at which to retire; should one take one’s own benefits or one’s spouses benefits; whether or not it pays to work while receiving social security benefits; and who is eligible for SSI. Topics on Medicaid and Medicare coverage were also discussed including what the different plans cover; when does one need to register for a plan; if one should take an HMO plan or direct Medicare; and how much these plans cost. Other pertinent topics included estate planning; life insurance; IRA accounts; long term care; power of attorney and more.

For those who missed the workshop, UJO senior caseworkers are available during regular hours to those who would like one-on-one assistance in reviewing and making the right decisions. Help is also available for applying for the appropriate benefits. Residents are welcome to come into the UJO on 125 Heyward Street for assistance and to pick up the 60 and Older brochure published for the event providing basic information regarding senior programs and other important and practical advice.

Rabbi David Niederman, UJO Executive Director and President, expressed his great appreciation and thanks to UJO staff and case workers for helping arrange the very informative and rich program. He also expressed his thanks to the presenters for coming down on a Sunday to assist the community with the important subject matter discussed which will help seniors have a dignified and comfortable retirement enjoying their golden years until the coming of Mashiach.