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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Councilman Levin's statement on baselining of low-income child care vouchers in Executive Budget

BROOKLYN – Council Member Stephen Levin is applauding the baselining of $12.6 million for low-income child care vouchers in New York City’s Fiscal Year 2016 Executive Budget. Low-income vouchers are an important resource for families throughout the City who depend on them to provide child care for their children. Levin, the Chair of the Committee on General Welfare, has made the baselining of funding for low-income vouchers a top priority during budget negotiations.

“The baselining of funding for low-income child care vouchers is a major step for families in need of child care in the communities I represent and throughout New York City. Families deserve high quality child care and by taking this action, we will help to ensure that families throughout New York City have continued access to this important resource. Thank you to Mayor de Blasio and his Administration for including this important funding in the Executive Budget.”