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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

December 19, 2014: Department of Health Alert Williamsburg Schools to Shigella Outbreak at Meeting Arranged by UJO and Councilman Levin

The December 19 Column reported on a meeting arranged by UJO and Councilman Levin with the Department of Health and Representatives of Williamsburg Schools to discuss a recent Shigella outbreak.

At the meeting, held at the conference room of Pesach Tikva, Department Officials reported on the newest outbreaks, and relayed important information how the schools, parents and the community can help stem it. The article had important information about the virus, recent outbreaks, and measure to stop it from spreading further. Participants also heard from Dr. Dick, one of the top physicians in the neighborhood. Mr. Pinny Ringel, of the Mayor's Community Assistance Unit, also participated and assisted in following up on combating the outbreak.

The Department officials distributed pamphlets encouraging proper hand-washing, and called schools to assure that children with symptoms are kept home until they symptoms pass. They also discouraged the use of antibiotics for the virus, except in extreme cases.
Dr. Balter of the Department of Health shares tips on combating the outbreak
Yiddish hand-washing flyers, produced by the Department in conjunction with the UJO during an outbreak over six years ago for the observant community, was distributed to the schools