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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Burech Hashem: Governor Cuomo Announced Family Visitations Pilot Program with Loved-ones in Hospitals

UJO Thanks Assemblyman Joe Lentol for Championing this Issue, and Starting Public Campaign to Open Hospitals for Visitors to Provide Personal Care and Emotional Support to Patients
Expresses Hope that Program will be Extended and Expanded
Governor’s Announcement Follows:
  • Almost Two Months of Advocacy by the UJO and Others;
  • Letter signed by 35 Assembly Members Organized by Assemblyman Joe Lentol;
  • Legislation Authored by Assemblyman Lentol and Carried in the Senate by Senator Simcha Felder;
  • State Senate Letter Organized by State David Carlucci and signed by 25 State Senators;
  • Letter in the NYC Council Led by Councilwoman Carlina Rivera and Signed by Super Majority of Council Members;
  • NY Congressional Delegation Letter, Organized by Rep. Max Rose and Signed by 15 Congressmembers
Albany – The UJO is thrilled that Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today a 2-week family visitation pilot in 16 NY Hospitals. The announcement follows almost two months that the UJO is advocating to allow visitations to patients at hospitals, and a public campaign to allow bedside support kicked off by Assemblyman Joe Lentol, with a letter signed on by 35 of his colleagues and legislation introduced in the NYS Assembly.
Among the hospitals included in the pilot program are the Lenox Hill Hospital, NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center and Westchester Medical Center.
Following Assemblyman Joe Lentol’s letter in the NYS Assembly, signed on by 34 of his colleagues, the Assemblyman also authored legislation on the subject that was carried in the State Senate by Senator Simcha Felder. State Senator David Carlucci organized a similar letter in his chamber, signed on by 24 of his colleagues. Councilmember Carilina Rivera led the effort in NYC Council, with Councilman Mark Levine and Stephen Levin, where 36 Council members signed on calling for a visitation program. On the federal level, Congressman Max Rose led the charge, organizing a letter signed on by 15 NY representatives.
The program announced today will allow short time visits by family members to patients in those 16 hospitals. Visitors will have to wear full PPE, and will be subject to temperature and symptom checks.
“Since late March, we realized how critical family visitations are for the recover and well-being of patients. Family members can help them with personal care, emotional support and also relieve medical staff from having to tend to patients’ personal needs. Working with a group with dedicated advocates and organizations, we knocked many doors. Finally, there is an opening. We thank Governor Andrew Cuomo for establishing the pilot program, and we hope and pray that it should be extended and expanded,” said Rabbi David Niederman, President of the UJO of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn.
“We are grateful to our Assemblyman Joe Lentol for starting the public campaign to allow hospital visitation, that led to raise the public awareness how important it is for the recovery and recuperation of patients. Thanks State Senator David Carlucci, Councilwoman Cralina Rivera, and Rep. Max Rose for organizing their chambers to call for visitation programs,” Rabbi Niederman concluded.

יודו לה' חסדו:  
 גאָווערנאָר קאָומאָ מעלדט פּילאָט פּראָגראַם אויסצוברייטערן שפּיטאָל באַזוכן פון משפחה מיטגלידער
די UJO באדאנקט אסעמבלימאן דזשאָו לענטאל פאר טשאמפיאנירן די אישו, און אָנהייבן עפנטליכע קאַמפּיין צו עפענען שפּיטעלער פאַר באַזוכער צו צושטעלן פּערזענליכע באַדינונגען און עמאָציאַנעלע הילף פאַר פּאַציענטן

דריקט אויס האָפענונג אַז דער פּראָגראַם וועט ווערן פאַרלענגערט און אויסגעברייטערט

גאָווערנאָר'ס מעלדונג פאָלגט נאָך:

  • כמעט צוויי חדשים שתדלנות דורך די UJO, חרד'ישע און רפואה ארגאניזאציעס און עסקנים;
  • בריוו אונטערגעשריבן דורך 35 אסעמבלי מיטגלידער אָרגאַניזירט דורך דער וויליאַמסבורגער אַסעמבלימאַן דזשאָו לענטאָל;
  • אַסעמבלימאַן לענטאָל'ס אַרייטראָגן אַ געזעץ דערוועגן, און סטעיט סענאטאָר ר' שמחה פעלדער האָט אַריינגעטראָגן דעם געזעץ אין סטעיט סענאַט;
  • סטעיט סטעיט בריוו אָרגאַניזירט דורך סטעיט סענאַטאָר קארלוטשי אונטערגעשריבן דורך 25 סענאַטאָרן;
  • סיטי קאונסיל בריוו אָנגעפירט דורך קאָונסיל-פרוי קאַרלינאַ ריוועראַ און אונטערגעשריבן דורך 36 קאָונסיל-לייט;
  • קאָנגרעסיענאַלע בריוו אָרגאַניזירט דורך קאָנגרעסמאַן  מעקס ראָוז און אונטערגעשריבן פון 15 קאָנגרעסלייט
אָלבאַני – די יו.דזשעי.אָ. איז ב"ה צופרידן צו מעלדן אַז גאָווערנאָר קאָומאָ האָט היינט געמאָלדן אַ 2-וואָכן פּראָבע אַריינצולאָזן קרובים צו באַזוכן פּאַציענטן אין זעכצן שפּיטעלער. די מעלדונג פאָלגט נאָך כמעט צוויי חדשים וואָס די UJO שתדל'ט שוין צו ערלויבן באַזוכן צו פּאַציענטן אין שפּיטעלער, און נאָך וואָס אַסעמבלימאַן לענטאָל האָט אָנגעהויבן אַן עפנטליכע קאַמפּיין צו ברענגן אויפמערקזאַמקייט צו די אישו, מיט אַ בריוו וואָס איז אונטערגעשריבן דורך 35 אַסעמבלי-מיטגלידער און אַ פאָרגעשלאָגענע געזעץ אין די ניו יאָרק סטעיט אַסעמבלי.
צווישן די שפּיטעלער וואָס זענען אַריינגעשלאָסן אינעם פּראָגראַם זענען עטליכע שפּיטעלער וואָס ווערן שטאַרק באַנוצט דורכ'ן ציבור, ווי לענאָקס היל, מאַונט סיני שפּיטאָל, מאימאַנידעס מעדיקעל צענטער, וועסט-טשעסטער מעדיקעל צענטער און די 
NYU אָרטאָפּעדישע שפּיטאָל (אויף די 17'טע גאַס).
נאָכפאָלגנדיג אַסעמבלימאַן דזשאָו לענטאָל'ס בריוו, אונטערגעשריבן דורך 34 פון זיינע קאָלעגעס – אַריינגערעכנט דער העלט קאָמיטע טשעיר אַסעמבלימאַן גאָטפריעד, און אַסעמבלימאַן ר' שמחה אייכענשטיין וועלכער האָט שטאַרק אַרויסגעהאָלפן אין די קאַמפּיין - האָט אַסעמבלימאַן לענטאָל אויך אַריינגעטראָגן אַ געזעץ פאָרשלאַג צו פאַרלאַנגן אַריינצולאָזן באַזוכער. סטעיט סענאַטאָר ר' שמחה פעלדער האָט אַריינגעטראָגן דעם זעלבן געזעץ אין סטעיט סענאַט. סטעיט סענאַטאָר דעוויד קאַרלוטשי האָט אָרגאַניזירט אַן ענליכן בריוו אין סענאַט, וואָס איז אונטערגעשריבן געוואָרן דורך 24 פון זיינע קאָלעגעס.
קאָונסילפרוי קאַרלינאַ ריוועראַ האָט אָרגאַניזירט אַן ענליכע בריוו אין די סיטי קאָונסיל – מיט די הילף פון קאָונסילמאַן מאַרק לעווין און וויליאַמסבורג'ס קאָונסילמאַן סטיוו לעווין – אויף וואָס 36 קאָונסיללייט האָבן אונטערגעשריבן אַ בריוו רופנדיג פאַר אַן ענליכע באַזוכער פּראָגראַם. קאָונסילמאַן ר' חיים דייטש האָט אויך אונטערגעשריבן דעם בריוו און איז געווען זייער אינסטרומענטאַל און העלפן ברענגן פאַרלייכטערונג פאַר חולי ישראל, און קאָונסילמאַן ר' קלמן יעגער האָט אונטערגעשריבן די אַסעמבלי בריוו.
אויפ'ן פעדעראַלן שטאַפּל, האָט קאָנגרעסמאַן מעקס ראָוז אָרגאַניזירט אַ בריוו אונטערגעשריבן דורך 15 ניו יאָרקער קאָנגרעסלייט. באָראָ פּאַרק דיסטריקט ליעדער ר' דוד שוואַרטץ הי"ו איז געווען אינסטרומענטאַל צו ברענגן קאָנגרעסמאַן ראָוז צו אָרגאַניזירן דעם וויכטיגן בריוו.
דער פּראָגראַם וואָס איז היינט געמאָלדן געוואָרן – נאָך אינטענסיווע שתדלנות ביים גאָווערנאָר'ס אָפיס - וועט ערמעגליכן פאַר באַגרעניצטע-צייט באַזוכן צו פּאַציענטן אין די 16 שפּיטעלער וואָס זענען אָנגעשלאָסן אין די פּראָבע. באַזוכער וועלן דאַרף אָנטאָן פולקאָמע שוץ קליידונג, און וועלן זיין אויסגעשטעלט צו טעמפּעראַטור און סימפּטאָם אונטערזוכונגען.
"זינט סוף חודש אדר, האָבן מיר אויפגעפּאַסט ווי קריטיש משפחה באַזוכן זענען פאַר די ערהוילונג און וואוילזיין פון חולי ישראל. משפחה  מיטגלידער קענען העלפן מיט פּערזענליכע באַדינונגען ווי אויך צו געבן חיזוק. דאָס פאַרלייכטערט אייגענטליך פאַר די מעדיצינישע שטאַב פון זיך דאַרפן אָפּגעבן מיט פּאַציענטנ'ס פּערזענליכע געברויכן. אַרבעטנדיג מיט אַ גרופּע פון געטרייע עסקנים און אָרגאַניזאַציעס, האָבן מיר געקלאַפּט אויף אַסאַך טירן. ענדליך איז דאָ אַן עפענונג. מיר באַדאַנקן גאָווערנאָר ענדרו קאָומאָ פאַר צושטאַנד ברענגן דעם פּילאָט פּראָגראַם, און מיר האָפן און זענען מתפלל אַז עס זאָל ווערן פאַרלענגערט און אויסגעברייטערט," האָט געזאָגט הרה"ח ר' משה דוד ניעדערמאַן, פּרעזידענט פון די 
"מיר זענען זייער דאַנקבאַר פאַר אונזער אַסעמבלימאַן דזשאָו לענטאָל פאַר אָנהייבן דעם עפנטליכן קאַמפּיין פאַר שפּיטאָל באַזוכן, וואָס האָט געברענגט עפנטליכע אויפמערקזאַמקייט איבער וויכטיג עס איז פאַר די ערהוילונג פון פּאַציענטן. מיר באַדאַנקן סטעיט סענאַטאָר קאַרלוטשי, קאָונסילפרוי ריוועראַ און קאָנגרעסמאַן מעקס ראָוז פאַר אָרגאַניזירן זייערע לעגיסלאַטיוו הייזער צו רופן פאַר וויזיט פּראָגראַמען," האָט ר' משה דוד צוגעלייגט.

Below is a copy of the Assembly letter organized by Assemblyman Joe Lentol, that kick started the public campaign to allow hospital visitations.


Monday, April 20, 2020

UJO Commends Mayor de Blasio and the New York City DOE for Expanding the Free Meals Program to Include a Glatt Kosher Option

Williamsburg Adults and Children will have Available Three Glatt Kosher Meals Starting Tomorrow

UJO Thanks all Elected Officials who Advocated for the Kosher Grab N Go Option

New York – In satiating news for Orthodox Jews, the NYC Department of Education announced today that they will expand the Free Meals Program to provide Glatt Kosher meals meeting the food needs of Orthodox Jews observing kosher diets. The kosher meals will be available at specific sites in areas with larger Orthodox populations. It will be made available first at Williamsburg, and later in the week at other locations. The expansions of the program come after weeks of advocacy by the UJO and other organizations representing Orthodox Jewish communities in NYC.

Yeshivas who run Free Lunch Programs are already doing a great service to the community by offering breakfasts and lunch to children in the community during this crisis, despite being closed. They are feeding tens of thousands of children in Williamsburg and an estimated 100,000 citywide. However, as per the program’s guidelines, their meals can only be offered for minors, and they can only provide two meals a day. Many adults are literally going hungry during this health and economic crisis, while people of all ages didn’t have where to get a kosher dinner, which is the most nutritious and important meal for most.

To ensure that no one – no matter the age or the time of the day – goes hungry, the UJO worked with partner-Jewish organizations on the committee for non-public schools to advocate that the city’s Free Meals Program, that provides three daily meals for all ages, should also provide a Glatt Kosher option.

”Food insecurity is impacting many of our fellow New Yorkers and the DOE is proud to be part of the City’s efforts to give everyone has access to nutritious meals completely free of charge. To date, we’ve served 4.5 million meals and are now proud to offer kosher, halal, and vegetarian meals to meet the needs of our diverse City for the duration of this crisis,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza.

"As a city, we are doing whatever we can to ensure no New Yorker goes hungry during this crisis - and that includes our neighbors with religious dietary needs. We are proud to be able to offer these kosher-certified meals in addition to the halal and vegetarian options already available," said Kathryn Garcia, NYC COVID-19 Food Czar and Department of Sanitation Commissioner.

“Come tomorrow, NYC Department of Education will finally fulfill its stated mission ‘to making three free meals available daily for any New Yorker.’ Literally everyone – from young to old – will be able to pick up three nutritious meals daily We are grateful to Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner and food-czar Kathryn Garcia, and the DOE for understanding the need and for including a Glatt Kosher option, and that the program will start first in Williamsburg tomorrow,” said Rabbi David Niederman, President of the UJO of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn.

“We are also grateful to all elected officials who worked with us to advocate for this vital program, including our dear Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, our Councilman Stephen Levin, and his colleagues Jewish Caucus Chair Chaim Deutsch, Education Chair Mark Treyger, Councilman Kalman Yeger, Councilman Justin Brennan, Borough Park’s Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and a dear advocate for North Williamsburg and beyond Lincoln Restler. This list just includes those representatives with whom we worked directly on this issue, but many more elected officials advocated for the program and we are grateful for them,” Rabbi Niederman concluded.

Williamsburg residents can pick up the free kosher meals starting:
Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21st
At PS 257 John F Hylan  
60 Cook Street,
Between Manhattan and Graham Avenues
Brooklyn 11206

Starting Wednesday. April 29, 2020, 
there  will be another Kosher Free Meals site, 
at I.S. 113, 300 Willoughby Avenue, 
between Franklin and Kent Avenues

Pickup times for children and families from 7:30 am to 11:30 am, and for adults from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm – but no one will be turned away at any of those times
·        All adults and children can pick up three meals at one time
·        Parents and guardians may pick up meals for their children
·        No registration or ID required
·        Meals will be Under the Volovo Kosher Certication

Kosher meal hubs in other neighborhoods will open on Thursday, April 23rd. For information on other sites, please visit

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Hundreds Participate in UJO’s Ways to Success Evening

 Hundreds of participants attended the latest UJO of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn’s Ways to Success evening. Attendees were able to acquire relevant information and guidance on how to, with Hashem’s help, be successful in building their careers.  Community leader, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Desser, the founder of POEL group, was a featured speaker. Over the years, Rabbi Desser and the POEL group have been a true asset to the community, helping hundreds upon hundreds find well-paying jobs.

Rabbi Desser spoke about how one can increase one’s value by making an effort to present the characteristics employers are looking for when seeking a job. Rabbi Desser also spoke about not only what employers are looking for in a candidate but the characteristics of people who are able to make progress in their field.  Other topics Rabbi Desser discussed include 
·         How to prepare resume
·         How one should conduct oneself during an interview
·         What qualifications help when one is looking for a job
·         How a beginner can include points in a resume even if they have not yet landed their first job
·         The value of starting out at in an entry-level position so later one can rise in that workplace, or one will subsequently be able to go out and find another job
·         Who is qualified for a number of known businesses

Rabbi Desser also had his firm on hand, providing free resume assistance during the event.
At the conclusion of the evening, Rabbi Desser thanked Rabbi Niederman for his tireless devotion to the Williamsburg community. Rabbi Desser mentioned that when Rabbi Niederman invited him to speak, he felt that he could not decline the invitation given all that Rabbi Niederman does for the community. 

Rabbi Niederman, in turn, gave Rabbi Desser a hearty thank you for making the time to share his expertise with the community in order to assist those in need of employment in finding well-paying jobs. Rabbi Desser was thanked as well for sharing his wealth of information in this field and praised for accomplishing the highest level of charity according to the Rambam - helping someone to find and earn a livelihood in order to gain self-sufficiency. 

UJO Reminds Williamsburg Residents About the Importance of Completing the 2020 Census When It Arrives

Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid’s February 28, 2020 edition

The 2020 Census is scheduled to arrive in the middle of March following Purim. It is very important people for residents to be aware that the Census form is arriving so as not to inadvertently discard it. Residents should respond to the Census as early as possible. Williamsburg’s previous response to the 2010 Census count was very low, and this caused financial harm when it came to important services for the community. Low response rates also weaken the political representation of the Williamsburg neighborhood. 

UJO, the mayor’s office, New York City Council, New York City Census 2020, and New York City Complete Count Fund, CUNY are all working to ensure the maximum participation from the community in Census 2020.

Brooklyn, NY –Together with NYC Complete Count Fund, the UJO of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn has launched a campaign to create awareness in the Williamsburg community. The goal of the initiative is to create awareness and to let residents know to expect the Census forms, which will arrive in two weeks throughout the country. Additionally, community members are urged to respond as early as possible. 

The UJO was selected to join the NYC Complete Count Fund, a partnership between CUNY, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Council. The NYC Complete Count Fund is a first-of-its-kind Census-related community organizing program that is a resource to community-based organizations working to help NYC reach a full and accurate count in the 2020 Census. These funds will support the UJO’s Williamsburg Community Census, focused on achieving a complete count from the hard to reach Yiddish speaking community in Williamsburg and its surrounding areas and to explain the importance of the Census to the community.

The Complete Count Fund was built with the understanding that local community-based organizations — which serve New Yorkers in the communities where they live and in the languages that they speak — are the most trusted messengers of important and sensitive information. 

As a culturally and linguistically unique community in New York City, a hyper-local focused approach is needed to connect with the Williamsburg community. As a trusted local voice and social service agency for over half a century the UJO of Williamsburg has the tools and deep roots in the community to educate and encourage a robust community census response.

“Unfortunately,” says said Rabbi David Niederman, President of the UJO of Williamsburg, “during the 2010 Census South Williamsburg was among the many poor communities in NYC that were undercounted. The undercount cost the community valuable resources needed for the betterment of the community that would have been available if it was fully counted. We are grateful that for the 2020 census around Mayor Bill de Blasio and his Census team led by Julie Menin, are prepared with a citywide plan that will make sure there is no New Yorker left behind.”

A complete and accurate count is critical to the future of New York City. The Census will determine how more than $650 billion in federal funds for public education, public housing, roads and bridges, affordable medical care and equipment at local medical facilities, and more, gets distributed annually throughout the country. It will also determine the number of seats each state is allocated in the House of Representatives (and thus, the Electoral College). Based on current estimates, an undercount could cost the State of New York up to two congressional seats, which would limit NY’s voice in Congress and limit bringing home necessary funds to NYC.

In such a complex city, enriched by such linguistic and cultural diversity, New York City’s full participation in the first online Census faces a unique set of challenges. As New Yorkers, we have embraced these challenges as an opportunity. Together, these citywide efforts will lay the groundwork for a civic engagement apparatus that will continue well beyond the 2020 census. 

For more information or to request assistance in completing the Census, email or call the UJO – (718) 643-9700 extension 236. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hundred Participate in UJO's Ways to Success Event

Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid's February 21, 2020 edition

Hundreds of participants in UJO's Ways to Success Event left with important information and guidance in how to be successful in their new careers.
Rabbi David Niederman, UJO executive director and president, spoke about how all need to make the appropriate efforts to succeed, even as we have faith that Hashem ultimately provides us with our needs. Avi Greenstein, CEO of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, said, "People should not feel like they have been dropped off the cliff when they start a new job. They should know that even as they start working, they are still eligible to continue to receive government assistance while they are beginning in the workforce at a starting wage." Avi also stressed the importance of safeguarding credit scores. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Desser, the founder of the POEL group which has placed a large number of individuals in rewarding careers, spoke about how to look for a job and what employers are looking for in an employee. Eliezer Krauss also addressed those in attendance and discussed the pros and cons of starting a home business as opposed to working for someone else. Zacharia Waxler, CPA from Roth & Co gave an overview on business basics. 

Brooklyn, NY – On Thursday, January 23, Williamsburg UJO held a very successful Ways to Success career event. The evening, hosted by UJO, was attended by hundreds of interested participants. Attendees absorbed the informative speakers' guidance aimed at helping them make the right choices in order to successfully join the workforce or advance careers. The Hebrew Free Loan Society was also on hand to offer individuals free loans to launch their small business initiatives. 

Williamsburg Yeshiva and Childhood Providers Participate in UJO Appreciation Luncheon to Thank Assemblyman Joe Lentol for Helping 900 Child With SCCF Childcare Vouchers

Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid's February 21, 2020 edition

Mr. Lincoln Restler of the mayor's office was present as he was instrumental in bringing about the new SCCF vouchers for the public. While more than a few thousand new SCCF vouchers were provided in recent months, hundreds of additional vouchers will be issued in the coming weeks.

Assemblyman Lentol was thanked for his tireless efforts to protect the yeshiva education system which lead to the SED postponing  the proposed regulations. 

Brooklyn, NY – On Sunday, February 9, tens of administrators of yeshivas and childcare providers from all over Williamsburg participated in the Hakaras Hatov UJO luncheon. The event was designed to thank Assemblyman Joe Lentol for his major assistance to ensure millions of dollars in new funding for childcare, including hundreds of new vouchers, which will be released in the coming weeks to the Williamsburg community. 
After Mayor Bloomberg canceled the childcare voucher program in 2013, Councilman Levin worked to restart the new program. The Special Child Care Funding (SCCF) vouchers are the result of the councilman's endeavors together with the mayor's office, which issued vouchers for children on the waiting list. This year, Councilman Levin was able to work with the mayor's office to increase the funding to $47.1 million for the vouchers, which means that more than 6,000 vouchers have been made available for children's benefit. This year, 2,600 new children will be added to the program. 
This past December, a few thousand parents on the waiting list were offered the new vouchers via letters that were sent out, specifying that the offer was only good while funding was available. Hundreds who replied were expecting to receive the vouchers but were disappointed when funds ran out. In response, the UJO worked towards assisting the parents. Councilman Levin, and Lincon Restler in the mayor's office, worked together with the Administration for Child Services (ACS) to provide vouchers for the parents who had been left out. Additionally, Assemblyman Lentol worked diligently to provide the vouchers.
After weeks of work, ACS agreed to fund the additional vouchers as well based on the number of children expected to age out in the coming months. Last month, Governor Cuomo announced that he would be giving another $5 million to the city for child care funding. As a result, Assemblyman Lentol worked together with the mayor's office to ensure that the funding would be used towards the vouchers for an estimated 900 additional vouchers.
The official luncheon on February 9 was to thank Assemblyman Lentol for his herculean efforts in achieving the extra 900 vouchers. Lincoln Restler also participated in the event and was thanked as well. Additionally, Rabbi David Niederman, UJO executive director, and president thanked Councilman Levin for his involvement, as well as Speaker Corey Johnson, Councilman Chaim Deutsch, and Councilman Kalman Yeger for their efforts as well in getting the SCCF program funded. Rabbi Niederman also thanked Governor Cuomo for providing the additional $5 million for childcare, which enabled the additional 900 vouchers to be covered. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Progress in the Efforts to Bring Tax Relief to Condo Owners

New York City Property Tax Advisory Commissioner Advises that Condominium Should No Longer Be Considered as Class 2 Property 

 Excerpt from Yiddish article in Der Yid’s February 7, 2020 edition

The proposal calls to tax condominiums and co-ops under the same system as smaller houses. Calls are being made to provide discounts to low-income residents for their primary residences. The new ten-point plan is an important step that will hopefully bring fairer taxes and relief for condo and co-op owners. UJO is in talks with the commissioner to ensure that the proposal will indeed bring the intended relief. UJO lauds the recommendations but stresses that the results will depend on the final details. It is important that house and condo owners should closely follow the process and voice their opinions. 

Brooklyn, NY –UJO has been advocating for years in an ongoing effort to bring tax relief to Williamsburg’s condo and co-op owners in order to stop their unsustainable taxes. Last week, the New York City Advisory Commission for Property Taxes released ten recommendations on how to reform the property tax system. One of the critical recommendations is that all condominiums and co-ops, as well as rental buildings of up to ten units, should be removed from the Class 2 category and included in Class 1 together with one to three family houses. 

Many condo and co-op owners find themselves having to pay unbearably large bills, the near equivalent of nearly another mortgage. This is due to the exorbitant taxes required of these non-luxury housing owners. The reality is that these condos and co-ops should not be compared to luxury rentals. Historical valuations and unjust comparables gravely skew assessments for hardworking, middle-class homeowners in Williamsburg. 

UJO has held continued meetings with the Department of Finance’s top officials. The meetings were organized by former State Senator Daniel Squadron and then by State Senator Brian Kavanagh. Assemblyman Joe Lentol has participated as well, along with Councilman Stephen Levin. Meetings have been held at City Hall on this issue with the assistance of the Mayor’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Lincoln Restler.

UJO has also advocated for condo owners with the Department of Finance. The Mayor and Speaker of City Council appointed a commission to try to adjust the system. UJO testified at a hearing in Brooklyn and delivered a report showing how the current system crushes families that struggle to make ends meets. The result of this was the release of a new plan which signals very significant progress towards ending the Class 2 classification for the condos and co-ops. 

“We applaud the New York Advisory Commission on property tax reform,” says Rabbi David Niederman, UJO executive director and president, “for issuing the preliminary report and recommending putting an end to the terrible injustice of taxing condominiums and co-ops in a separate class with higher assessment rates. 

“Of course, the actual results of the reform will all depend on what the final form of the plan looks like. Any truly beneficial form will require a total reset, starting from scratch with assessments, which can no longer be based on historical assessments. There also needs to be a system on how not to compare affordable condominiums with luxury houses being that historical variations and unjust comparables increase the assessments for hardworking middle-class homeowners in our neighborhood.

“The first type of commission that was convened by the Mayor’s New York City Council was very encouraging. We hope and pray that this will lead to a more just system for all. But it is important to know that these recommendations are presently just a broad framework and far from being the law. How much and exactly what will fall under the new categories of the plan remains to be seen when the State government passes the legislation. 

“We thank Senator Joe Lentol, former State Senator Daniel Squadron, State Senator Brian Kavanagh, and Councilman Stephen Levin along with the Mayor’s office and other officials who have worked diligently on this issue. This has helped bring much-needed attention to this terrible injustice against Williamsburg condo owners.” 

It is important to continue to work with state legislators, and it is also important that the community follow the implementation of the recommendations and continue to be aware of the final plan as it develops. Homeowners should provide input when possible to make sure the plan offers the community the benefits it most needs. 


UJO continues its discussions with those who are working with the Tax Commission to provide comments and to discuss further steps in the process of reforming property taxes. As additional public hearings are planned, it is important that those affected by this issue follow the developments and provide direct input.

This is a rare opportunity to effect relief. After these changes are passed, it will be very challenging to reopen this issue for many years. This means that as the new proposal plays out, many parties will try to influence the process to benefit their own interests. If low to middle-income condo and multi-family housing do not make an effort to voice their opinions, reforms may end up hurting them instead of helping them. This is why it is so important for homeowners to follow this process and come in person to speak up when possible. 

Another important factor for homeowners to know is that as preliminary assessments are sent out, this is the time to appeal property taxes. Homeowners should be aware of how to make a request for a review from the Department of Finance so it will review the assessment and potentially lower the taxes.